The Fastest & Most Secure WordPress Hosting Available
While clients can certainly host with any company they wish, I have worked very hard over the past 7 years developing the best solutions for WordPress hosting. In fact, I believe our hosting solution is superior to WP Engine, Media Tempe, Godaddy, Pagely and many of the other managed WordPress hosting solutions on the market today. We have a few unique advantages:
DDOS Protected Cloud Servers Hosted By Vultr
Server Software Managed By ServerPilot
Redundant Security With Cloudflare
Server Reserved For SEO and Web Design Clients
We Warranty Sites On Our Server
No Page Caching Or Plugin Restrictions
Free SSL Included With All Hosting
ServerPilot Allows us to have Free SSL for all our website. Furthermore, SSL used to require a dedicated IP in order to fully set up and verify for merchant accounts. ServerPilot jails each account, and uses a technology call Server Name Indication which makes the need for a dedicated IP a thing of the past.
How Can Your Hosting Possibly Be Better Than WP Engine, Siteground, Flywheel or Synthesis?
The location of the server!! Though WP Engine advertises they are AZ based, their servers are actually in NJ, Siteground’s are on the east coast, most of the good WordPress hosts are not in AZ, or are in Nor Cal. Why does it matter? Google gives a huge boost to hosting being close to the targeted organic zone – most likely because this reduces latency, sometime dramatically.
Full Disclosure, our WordPress Servers are currently located in Los Angeles, California. I wanted the awesome Vultr network for my Cloud VPS’s, and the closest datacenter is LA. I tried 5 different local Arizona Datacenters for hosting using KVM virtualization, but had problems with all of them. At the end of the day, my LA based server from Vultr was more reliable and faster than phoenix based cloud servers from Codero & ServerHub. I even tried Digital Ocean, but their servers were out of San Fran, and the benchmarks fell short.

Hi! My name is Joshua Jacoby, and I started My Favorite Web Designs in 2009. We have a strong record of technical excellence, success for clients, great pricing and quality design. I have 14 years of graphic design experience & coding, which allows me to build and manage a very effective digital marketing team. We serve hundreds of clients across AZ and nationwide, and I personally help set strategy for each and every client and review every design and build. A great digital marketing presence involves thousands of different things done right, consistently, and the coordination and training it takes to create a team that can achieve that cannot be understated.
Thanks, Joshua Jacoby
Laura Kaiser
Vincent Santivañez
Michael R.
Victor R
Nicole B
Freidel D.
Graphic Manager
Jean R.
Web Development Manager
Andrea V.
Accounts Manager
How Hosting Typically Works
To start, let us understand the typical hosting model most website hosting customer in Mesa Arizona are currently on. The standard hosting package you buy from Godaddy or HostGator or any of these companies is called shared hosting. Shared hosting has come a long way from its origins several years ago, but still has major limitations that any serious business needs to be aware of. If you are spending thousands of dollars on SEO, Web Design & PPC, then this small change in how you do hosting can make a dramatic, dramatic difference in your profits derived from your website and search engine web presence overall.
The Problems With Shared Hosting
- With shared hosting, during the busy times of day your server may wind up short on resources at the most critical times. You may never even realize that from noon – 3pm your site runs slow as a snail
- Shared hosting often never updates their server software, as once they place people on the server, they leave them there, because updating might possibly affect a site and require support, Mwhich is costly for the Mesa AZ hosting company to provide. The result is servers that run 6 year old software with tons of security holes.
- Shared Hosting companies start higher paying customers on low load servers and let the load levels tick up on them over time. The phenomena is a server that runs fast at first, but after some months goes slower and slower
- Shared hosting does not default backups of your files or your cpanel. you must configure all these things, and the average user would not know to do this or how to do this
- When something needs fixing, shared hosting is not able to do support beyond the most basic rudimentary fixes – the reason we started hosting in the first place
- Shared hosting means less security. If other systems on your server get hacked, in some cases this can open the door to a hack on your account as well
- Shared hosting means a shared IP address on a server. Often you will wind up sharing a server with an adult or spam domain, which can result in reputation problems for your email or your website
- Shared hosting uses an unrestricted firewall – meaning they occassionally block Google and other good bots by accident, or limit their bandwidth when they do crawl.
There are some advantages to shared hosting, such as 24 hour support, and the economy of scale argument, but they are all over the map – consistent one month, not the next.
**Please Note, While We do Still Run The Below Server, Our New Server Above Is Our Main Server Config, ServerPilot Servers Just Blow The Out Of The Water**
My Favorite Web Designs Hosting
We run a virtual private server through a company called LiquidWeb in Scottsdale Arizona. This type of server has the benefit of being fully managed by the LiquidWeb Techs, who are the best in the business. I also monitor the server hourly myself, our entire SEO program depends upon it. I would put our managed hosting service in the same category as WP Engine or Sythesis, whose services are similiar my own, but also much more expensive, nearly double the price.
The Advantages Of Our Hosting
- I use our server primarily for SEO purposes, and monitor it carefully for overloads
- We run the latest stable versions of the software, and we test these upgrades in virtual instances before deploying
- We run a 6 gig VPS from LiquidWeb headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona
- We pay extra to have SSD, which is much faster for DB websites like WordPress
- Since myself and my teams are WP specialists, we can help with and prevent common WP problems
- I personally install extra layers of security on every WP install
- We run an upgraded firewall, CFS, which is configured to allow search engines carte blanche
- We run daily backups on all accounts, and maintain those backups for 7 days
- I have built or inspected the code for every site on my server, and can vouch for the security