
Website Design & SEO For Botox Services

One of my favorite features for this website is the online booking form. It allows clients to set their availability and encourages visitors to the website to select the date and time in which they might receive their services. For a medical spa such as this it makes a lot of sense to allow your clients to book their appointments online without a human interaction. for a small business this can mean the difference between having a receptionist and being able to operate with just one person. Many customers need their web sites to perform these type of functions, and this can be a great asset to their business.

This website has more of a luxurious aspect to it, appealing to a higher-end audience for Anti-aging products. We wanted to Brand it is a local business so there are pictures of the Sonoran and Arizona desert mixed in with imagery woman who have recently received beauty treatments. It is important for your imagery surrounding your brand to connect with the clients in your target locale. A good example of this was several years ago when I took a website design in Scottsdale for a client who has a local lawyer. The client really liked City images and had imagery of New York in San Francisco in his office and wanted it on his website. When we went live with banners showing those areas instead of Arizona, the bounce rate increased significantly and conversion was low. Simply by changing the pictures to Google images that connected with the clients and showed that you are a business near them, this was enough to make the conversion rate turn around.


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